Monday, April 05, 2010

David Chartrand's "legal team" - HA!

The MMF's taxpayer financed, prolific, production line, whinny, defamation lawyer (;
Good Day Readers:
The following article can be view on Presidential Candidate Frank Godon's campaign site ( It also appears on his Facebook Page ( He can be contacted at
Clare L. Pieuk
I'm a Rhino!

It has been said that those in public life need to develop skin as tough as a rhinoceros’s hide. As I read this week's news stories about the Riel T-shirt all I could do was shake my head. The image of grown men (and some women) getting upset over someone’s artistic talent to put a play on words to sell a shirt appeared ridicules to me.

To brand the shirt “racist” was even more ridiculous. The shirt may be in bad taste, but to say that the creator was racist is stretching it, as the shirt is aimed at a person who was hung, it doesn’t attack Riel’s race, religion, or really anything about the man other than that he was hung, which is historically correct. The current MMF president’s announcement he was having “the MMF’s legal team pursuing the matter” is nothing more than childish and misuse of taxpayers monies.

The Metis in this province need a real leader who is accountable to the people, trustworthy and has a significantly thicker skin. How many thousands of dollars and to what end will he dump into this witch hunt? I hope the Metis of Manitoba see this for what it is – general grandstanding – something that David Chartrand does well. I have listened to him at some of the regional meetings recently held this past month and David is a good motivational speaker, probably one of the best.

He could rally a roomful of Metis into another rebellion if he wanted to and they would follow and believe everything that he said. But as my father mentioned at the last meeting we attended 10% fact 90% bullshit. A blog recently posted that David’s speeches had the appearance of an “Amway” style motivational rally. Having at one time been in Amway, I agree.

To the Metis people of Canada I say this: so what if someone sells a T-shirt of Louis Riel with a noose around his neck isn’t it the truth? Have the Metis people of Canada been brainwashed into thinking Riel was such a great man that his image can’t be touched? He was a victim of his time, and we in this time can only speculate as to what kind of person he really was. I am not into hero worship or making a demigod out of someone who tried to right a wrong.

We must remember that Riel would have hung even if he hadn’t been a “half breed” so let’s not read “racism” or “hate crime” into what has been and will be done in the future. I hope that the Metis of today have thicker skin than our current leaders are showing. I am not embarrassed that someone made a T-shirt of Riel with a noose; I am embarrassed that our current leader is making such a big issue. It makes us (Metis) look like little whinny babies and ultimately waste the money through our "legal team" given to us by the hard working tax payers of this country.

It is time for the Metis of Manitoba to stand up and put their support behind someone who is accountable to the people, trustworthy and has a significantly thicker skin. It's time for the Metis of Manitoba to ask the question who they want to represent them. A president with thicker skin who doesn’t use lawyers when his feelings get hurt or a president who’s whinny with tender skin and feelings who uses money from your taxes to beat up on anyone who “hurt his feelings.”

Keith Richards said, "I got news for you. We're still a bunch of tough bastards. String us up and we still won't die." This is the attitude the Metis need in a leader. Yeah they hung Riel, but he is just as much an inspiration now as he was back then. As someone who wants to be your leader I say go ahead and string us up – we are a bunch of tough bastards and we will not die. Metis people of Manitoba – of Canada – are a bunch of tough bastards, we’ve had to be to survive. Let David Chartrand and his bunch whine and complain about hurt feelings – we know how thick the skin is of a true Metis who hasn’t been softened by years of being a politician.

Frank Godon


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