Sunday, April 11, 2010

Murray Trachtenberg coming to a television near you - soon!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your posting, "Listen to your mother Tiger!"


Murray has become a born-again believer in the value of having cameras in the courtroom! Take a look:
Dear Anonymous:

Thank you very much for the link to CANLII an online search engine frequently used by lawyert to research case law.
Television cameras in Canadian courtrooms, including Manitoba are long, long overdue.

While we respectfully disagree with Provincial Court Judge Timothy Preston's March 19, 2010 decision not to allow cameras into the courtroom to cover the upcoming inquest into the tragic death of Brian Sinclair, the handwriting is already on the wall it's simply a matter of time.

Manitoba Metis Federation taxpayer financed, prolific, production line, serial kvetching defamation lawyer and key Team Chartrand member Murray Trachtenberg is listed in the proceedings as representing the family and estate of the late Mr. Sinclair. It is our understanding he's the junior solicitor to Toronto-based Vilko Zbogar. At paragraph [12] it states:

"..... Mr Trachtenberg eloquently (emphasis ours) argued in oral submission that it is time for the Court to 'open its doors to everyone.' "

This is the same Murray "Open the doors!" Trachtenberg who was granted a publication ban at the first Pre-Trial Conference (September 8, 2008) in the MMF's lawsuit against CyberSmokeSignals.
Too bad the telegenic Mr. Trachtenberg's television debut will have to wait for now. You'd be most impressed with his courtroom bedside manner.

Clare L. Pieuk


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