Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Yip-pie-ya-aye, yip-pie-yi o make sure you drop it in the mail boys otherwise we're screwed!"


We have rated the following video MA (Mature Audiences) because it contains language some might consider a tad coarse but no nudity - damn! It's recommended for viewing by Canadian citizens 18 years and older able to vote the Steve Harper government out of power come next election.

Good Day Readers:

Came upon this internet video earlier today produced by a group called, The CWB Alliance ( Both The Alliance and Friends of the Canadian Wheat Board are made up of prairie grain farmers - the former the political lobbying arm of the movement while the latter focuses on legal matters and the court battle currently being waged against "The Harper Government."

You'll notice a fellow with a dark coloured 4 x 4 appears about half a dozen times in the video. Could this possibly be Winnipeg lawyer Murray Trachtenberg wearing a baseball style cap or a double? It's uncanny. After all, it is said we all have one.;

Perhaps Counselor Trachtenberg is expanding his considerable thespian talents beyond the courtroom. He's the one who prosecuted an ill-advised and conceived defamation lawsuit against our precursor site CyberSmokeSignals on behalf of the federal government's taxpayer financed Manitoba Metis Federation President David Chartrand and his Board of Directors in what turned out to be a classic, textbook SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) - Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench File Number CI 05-01-41955: MMF et al. versus Terry Belhumeur et al.
Laugh as you will, but a couple years ago a reader contacted us to say they had seen an interview with Michelle Trachtenberg star of the hit television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer in which she claimed she had relatives living in Manitoba. Could it be good thespianism runs deeply in the Trachtenberg family?

Perhaps our "learned friend" might wish to contact CyberSmokeBlog to confirm whether he is or is not the young, handsome grain farmer portrayed in The CWB Alliance video with the dark coloured 4 x 4. We certainly wouldn't wish to be the source of unfounded rumours. He knows where he can find us. Any reply received will be published.

Clare L. Pieuk


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