Maquillage 101 for politicians!

The Huffington Post, Ellie Krupnick
Sunday, Debember 4, 2011
Michele Bachman's makeup woes continue.
We've written before about the GOP candidate's issues with maquillage, the main one being that she wears too much of it. Now it's easy to fall into the overly-shellacked trap when appearing on televised debates, where a makeup crew layers on enough makeup to make every candidate HD-ready.
So you'd think that for in-person, everyday appearances, a candidate like Bachmann would want to go light on the foundation.
Yesterday Bachmann attended a book signing for her tome, "Core of Conviction: My Story." For the rather low-key affair she chose a simple look: a beige cowl neck sweater, a black knee-length skirt and black flats. She also threw on a red necklace gifted to her by a fan, which honestly added a much-needed pop of color to the blah outfit.
But when we took a look at the zoomed-in pics, we ceased to be distracted by the rather unbecoming skirt-and-flats pairing (which never flattered anyone's legs) but rather the lines on Bachmann's face.
The problem, unfortunately, happens to the best of us. Too-thick makeup settles into the creases of one's face, particularly on the flat surface of the forehead, exposing one's lines and wrinkles to the world. It's the reason so many women use tinted moisturizer rather than thick foundation and why older women are encouraged to use cream eyeshadow rather than powder, which has the same line-revealing effect.
Unfortunately for Bachmann, the heavy layer of foundation and powder across her brow settled right into her forehead lines, creating an unflattering look for an otherwise pretty woman.
Our recommendations? Easy -- just lay off the heavy foundation on the forehead and skip the powder. Instead, use a tinted moisturizer instead of foundation and a mattefying toner or lotion to do the de-shining job of the powder.
Take a look at Michele's photos below -- what do you think she could do to improve her look?

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