Friday, December 23, 2011

No "going on" Her Majesty's Royal shrubbery eh!

Things You Can't Do in a Royal Park

According to the UK's Royal Parks and Other Open Spaces Regulations, 1997 No. 1639, Regulation 4, it is forbidden to do (among other things) any of the following without written permission in Hyde Park or other land to which said regulations apply:

•interfere with a fungus
•go on a shrubbery
•use a metal detector
•climb a statue
•interfere with a tree
•offer anything for sale
•exhibit any written or pictorial matter
•play a musical instrument, or cause another to do so
•discharge a firearm
•project any missile
•erect a tent
•put an animal in a boat
•do laundry
•organize a parade
•worry a bird, or
•touch a pelican.

Obtaining prior written permission would seem to be especially important before engaging in any pelican touching or fungal interference. Please conduct yourselves accordingly.


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