Monday, November 05, 2012

The Mother

Good Day Readers:

As sometimes happens while surfing the internet, an item more interesting is found than that being searched. Such was the case recently with this next piece.After tracking down the mother to ask if CyberSmokeBlog could reprint her advice she gave her permission on the condition she remain anonymous.This is her advice on what you can do be become a better mother and pass on to your children:

1. Learn first how to ride a horse, it teaches you the art of mastering/controlling something bigger and stronger than yourself. And then break and train a horse, it teaches you patience, perseverance, the importance of trust and how to pick yourself up and try again if you happen to fall

2. Piloting an aircraft teaches responsibility and thoroughness. You can't blame anybody else if you didn't do your pre-flight checks. It's your ass that's going down if you didn't fill the gas tanks. Take nothing for granted, have a plan "A" (Alternative)

3. Learn how to play chess. Chess teaches you how to plot and plan (think) ahead. How to consider and anticipate the moves available to your opponent (enemy). And how to determine weaknesses in your opponent's strategy and manoeuvre the game towards capture/victory

4. Own a dog so you understand unconditional love and loyalty

5. Play poker. Poker tearches you that some people are straight shooters but others will bluff, lie and/or try to bully you to get their way. Sometimes you have to push back, call their bluff and spank them (expose their fraudulent play). Poker also teaches you that there are times you can be holding the winning cards, but with the turn of just one more card that can change quickly. Like, like poker, can be so unfair

6. Life, like love and family, is precious and meant to be nourished and cherished daily. To understand this truth is a gift but to live accordingly gives strength to all concerned.

It seems the mother's list is endless. She told CyberSmokeBlog: Number 78 is, Learn how to milk a cow; Number 115, Learn how to shoot a gun (hopefully straight); Number 612, Don't smoke ..... drink good red wine; Number 999, Grow a garden.

Her children survived their upbringing and today are thriving in their careers. She ended the conversation with the suggestion she should write a book, Parenting Tips/Tricks My Children Forced Me To Learn: How To Raise Good Children In A Strange World!

CyberSmokeBlog couldn't agree more.

Clare L. Pieuk


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