Friday, April 09, 2010


Good Day Readers:
Here's what Tiger Wood's former adviser and lawyer Mark Seal had to say about Tiger's father in the May issue of Vanity Fair:
Earl Woods’s Dark Side
• Reports have emerged that Tiger’s late father, Earl, was a womanizer, and one insider tells Seal that he was a heavy drinker as well. The person recounts sitting next to him at an awards dinner: “Everybody was in coat and tie, and Earl’s sitting there in these little hot pants—short-shorts—and a golf shirt, and he’s got a big old vodka gimlet going and a cigarette burning, and he’s sound asleep, just hammered, shitfaced. And the announcer says, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, Earl Woods!’ And he jumped up, spilled his drink all over the front of his shirt.… And he gets up there at the podium and starts talking psychobabble.”
To read the complete article visit:
Wonder what our poster cat "Grover" thinks of the Nike ad?
Clare L. Pieuk


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