Saturday, January 22, 2011

Get with the program Manitoba Metis change your mind-set!

"The Affinity Card don't leave home without it!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If someone really wants to help the Metis people, give them a Metis credit card with a low annual interest rate. Credit cards have annul rates starting at %18 and up to %28 . Give us a low interest Metis credit card with %3-%5 annual rate and you will really be helping the Metis. I can't see the affinity card doing much for Metis. If saving $.80 at main stream shopping stores when you go shopping turns you on, then by all means spend $30.00 and get the affinity card. Did the commercial mention that it cost $30.00 to own one of those cards? I may have missed that. Those are just my thoughts and opinions on this Metis affinity card. What are your thoughts people? Will it work?

8:17 PM  

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