Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Do we have a deal Anonymous?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post, "Sorry Jack no sympathy here!"

Congratulations on your views on morality. Care to shake out your own dirty laundry for us all to see so that "we," the general public, can decide if "you" are actually fit to judge the judge?

Dear Anonymous:

Thank you for writing with the kind words. BTW, "The Royal We" is used to avoid falling into the trap of many writers - "I, I, I ..... "me, me, me."

Taxpaying citizens are responsible for the salaries of judges so they have every right to criticize as long as it's fair, accurate and balanced which we believe ours to be.

However, we did make the statement, "For The Record: Run us through any data base and you won't find as much as an unpaid parking ticket."

Here's the deal Anonymous. Send us a signed letter with your complete legal name and address. As soon as we've verified the information we'll provide you with written permission to search any existing data base(s) using our name. In return you must agree to:

(1) pay any costs associated with the searche(s)

(2) send a letter bearing your legal name to CyberSmokeBlog documenting the results of your search(s) for internet publication

If you're still interested we'll have our lawyer draw up an agreement for your signature. Hope to hear from you soon!

In the alternative should you not agree with these terms we suggest you follow the advice Director Clint Eastwood gave to fellow File Director Spike Lee.

Clare L. Pieuk

P. S. We wouldn't agree to be a judge even if we could - it's too cloistered an existence.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting, but it's not your legal "database" existence that we (the royal general public) get to judge: it's your morality. Still think you're clean?

1:22 PM  

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