Monday, April 04, 2011

"Sorry Jack no sympathy here!"

Jack King
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post, "Did the media treat this man unfairly?"

Well, Mr. Pieuk, and interesting news day indeed, Mr. King is finally talking, but too little too late.
I have no sympathy for a man who broadcasts his wife on the internet for all to see. That, in my opinion as a man who has been married to the same amazing woman for nearly 45 years, is the absolute lowest betrayal of love and trust. I also do not believe Ms. Douglas to be innocent in all of this.

Whether or not Chapman was asked those questions, and I'm not sure that he hasn't, is neither here nor there. While a less than savoury individual, Chapman was the victim. The media has vilified King, and for good reason:

1. You prostituted your wife Jack, really, you want my sympathy now?

2. You screwed up when you asked a less than upstanding person to "service" your wife - poor judgement of character but not surprising when you seem lacking yoruself. (See item 1 for reference.)

3. Ms. Douglas is responsible for herself and her own behaviours. No woman is that stupid to think that her husband needs dirty pictures of her when she's present 24/7.

She took a risk, it backfired. Sorry Jack, no sympathy here. Just horror and disgust.


Dear VJH:

As always thank you very much for your informed opinion.

We cannot disagree with anything you've said. However, it should be pointed out the behaviour of Ms Douglas, was beyond stupid. In this the digital internet age with Facebook and Twitter, the judgment of anyone who would allow nude photographs to be taken must be severely questioned. Anything you write or photograph can, and likely will, eventually make its way onto the web.

We seriously question Madam Douglas' suitability to remain on the Bench.

Clare L. Pieuk


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your views on morality. Care to shake out your own dirty laundry for us all to see so that *we*, the general public, can decide if *you* are actually fit to judge the judge?

10:11 AM  

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