Wednesday, December 14, 2011

One trial ends another begins!

Good Day Readers:

Unbelievable! Soon you will need a score card to keep track of everyone. Last time we checked in on this one Mr. Jerome Labossiere was embroiled in a struggle with Legal Aid Manitoba to pay his legal costs. Our impression was his counsel faced the real possibility of having to work the case pro bono (free).

Clare L. Pieuk
Labossiere to stand trial for trying to arrange killings

By Dean Prichard
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
The Winnipeg provincial law Courts buiding at 408 York Avenue (Winnipeg Fun files)

A Hells Angels associate already awaiting trial for allegedly killing his parents and brother has been committed to stand trial for attempting to arrange the murder of three other people.

Denis Jerome Labossiere, 40, was in court Wednesday for the third day of a preliminary hearing when his lawyer consented that Labossiere be committed to stand trial.

Labossiere is accused of counselling another man to kill three people, including Labossiere’s sister. None of the targets were harmed.

Labossiere has elected to stand trial by judge and jury. A trial date will be set later this month.

In January, Labossiere and two other men will stand trial in the deaths of Labossiere’s parents Fernand and Rita Labossiere and brother Remi Labossiere. Fernand, Rita and Remi were shot in their St. Leon area farmhouse before the building was burned to the ground on November 26, 2005.

Earlier this month, a jury convicted Kelly Clarke of first-degree murder in the killings of Joel Labossiere — Denis Jerome’s nephew — and his wife Magdalena Labossiere.


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