Thursday, June 11, 2015

You're outraged Minister? Canadian voters should be outraged you're so under informed, misinformed or just plain stupid!

Good Day Readers:

It's hard to believe Canada's Health Minister Rona Ambrose is so out of touch with reality but then again that comes from parroting Stephen Harper's view of legalizing marijuana.

If she had any brains she'd have Health Canada closely monitoring what's happening in Colorado the epicentre for marijuana legislation. It moved quickly to appoint a Harvard educated lawyer as its "Drug Czar." As such he has oversight over the production, distribution and sale of all bud in the state. He can call a meeting of city officials, health department employees etc. to discuss issues as they arise and make decisions accordingly.

You didn't know that did you Rona Ambrose? Not long ago a student jumped to his death from a high rise apartment. When it was discovered he'd eaten a marijuana cookie not long before his death it was ruled as a possible contributing factor.

So what did the Drug Czar do Rona Ambrose? Don't know do you. Well, he quickly moved to place limits on THC the active ingredient in marijuana. You see Ms Ambrose today's marijuana is several times more potent that that smoked by Canadian politicians during the 1970s. Not having read the recent Supreme Court decision CyberSmokeBlog doesn't know whether it set limits on non-smokeable forms. If it didn't it should have.

Jezus, isn't it awful when you have to keep educating your Health Minister?

Stuck in a Time Warp

The Harper government and by association its Health Minister are stuck om a 1930s time warp regarding the use of marijuana.

What Canada needs is a Marijuana Drug Czar who'd do away with people like Rona Ambrose. CyberSmokeBlog's candidate? But of course who better qualified than Marc Emery shown below toking in front of the local police station. Jezus, Marc couldn't find a bigger joint eh? Smart, real smart!
Clare L. Pieuk

Ambrose 'outraged' by SCC marijuana ruling

Angela Mulholland/Staff Writer

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Health Minister Rona Ambrose says she is "outraged" by the Supreme Court of Canada decision that expands the definition of medical marijuana beyond dried leaves, to include cannabis oils, teas, brownies and other forms of the drug.

In a unanimous decision Thursday, the Supreme Court ruled that users should not be restricted to only using the dried form of the drug. They said the current rules prevent people with a legitimate need for medical marijuana from choosing a method of ingestion that avoids the potential harms of smoking it.

But Ambrose says, despite recent court rulings in favour of the use of marijuana, her government maintains that cannabis has never been proven safe and effective as a medicine.

"Marijuana has never gone through the regulatory approval process at Health Canada, which requires rigorous safety reviews and clinical trials with scientific evidence," she told reporters in Ottawa.

"So frankly, I'm outraged by the Supreme Court."

She said Thursday's decision, as well as prior court rulings that permit the use of medical marijuana, give Canadians the impression that the drug has been shown to be effective, when it has not.

"We have this message that normalizes a drug where there is no clear clinical evidence that it is, quote-unquote, a medicine," she said, adding that never in Canada's history has a drug become a medicine "because judges deemed it so."

Currently, doctor-prescribed marijuana can only be offered in dried form; any other form could lead to charges under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

Medical marijuana advocates argued that for many patients, including the elderly, digesting the cannabis extracts was the only reasonable method of ingestion.

In a handful of cases, children like Liam McKnight will also benefit from these alternative methods of ingesting cannabis. The seven-year-old suffers from a rare form of epilepsy. Marijuana helps control the seizures.

For McKnight and children in similar situations, the Supreme Court’s ruling means they can have access to the medical benefits of cannabis without being putting their parents in the bizarre situation of encouraging their kids to smoke marijuana.

“I don’t think I’ve stopped crying since I found out,” said the boy’s mother, Mandy. “It’s just a huge, huge relief.”

The Supreme Court agreed with medical marijuana advocates that it was unreasonable to require users to smoke dried marijuana.

"Inhaling marihuana can present health risks and is less effective for some conditions than administration of cannabis derivatives," the court said in its judgment.

The case began in 2009, with the arrest of Owen Smith, the former head baker for the Cannabis Buyers Club of Canada. He was charged with unlawful possession of marijuana and possession for the purpose of trafficking, after police found large amounts of cannabis-infused olive oil and cookies in his apartment.

Smith challenged those laws, arguing that medical marijuana users should have the right to consume marijuana in other ways than smoking. The court agreed and Smith was acquitted at trial.

Last summer, the B.C. Appeal Court upheld that decision, and gave the federal government a year to change the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations to remove the word "dried" from its definition of marijuana.

The federal government, which does not endorse the use of marijuana, decided to challenge the decision in Canada's top court, where it contended there was not enough scientific evidence on the efficacy of "derivative cannabis products" such as baked goods, and argued that the Charter does not give medical marijuana users the right to obtain or produce drugs based on their subjective beliefs.

The Supreme Court disagreed.

"The evidence amply supports the trial judge’s conclusions on the benefits of alternative forms of marihuana treatment," it said.

"…There are cases where alternative forms of cannabis will be 'reasonably required' for the treatment of serious illnesses. In our view, in those circumstances, the criminalization of access to the treatment in question infringes liberty and security of the person."

Terry Roycroft of Medicinal Cannabis Resource Centre says the court decision is a significant one for medical marijuana users who didn't like smoking the drug. He says, when marijuana is smoked, its effects last a couple of hours, but when ingested the effects can persist for six to eight hours.

"There's much more medicine going in the body and you get much better results when you use an edible than when you use smoking," he told CTV News Channel.

The decision is also significant for doctors who worried about how to prescribe smoking marijuana, Roycroft added.

"When we start creating edibles, there is the possibility and there is the mechanism to standardize the dose, which is exactly what physicians want," he said.

Under the changed definition, marijuana can also be offered in the form of capsules, tinctures and ointments.

"The Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, one of their biggest concerns is the lack of standardization. So this … will allow them to be more accepting of this," he said.

Smith's lawyer, Kirk Tousaw, says while he is gratified by the ruling, he notes that Canada has failed to create a working system to allow patients to access medical cannabis and protect licensed growers.

"The government really has to go back to the drawing board here, start listening to patients and the people who understand the difficulties that patients are dealing with every day, and come up with a system that really protects those patients from the imposition of the criminal law," he told CTV News Channel from Vancouver.


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