Friday, March 24, 2006

Stay away from my computer Mr. Murray N. Trachtenberg!

Tansi/Good Day Readers:

Murray Trachtenberg is constantly monitoring this site as he no doubt also does,,, and so he'll be sure to see the posting. So I say to you Mr. Trachtenberg, I do not want you communicating with me via e-mail until or until you can guarantee your system is virus free! If you must deliver you can bloody well use Canada Post! My decision is based on the following information from CyberSmokeSignals' Webmaster and Co-defendant Terry Belhumeur.

Clare L. Pieuk
From: "Oakhammock101"
To: "Clare Pieuk"
Sent: March 23, 2006 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: Virus

Barristers, Solicitors & Notaries Public
Winnipeg, MB R3B 2E4

Gerald S. Posner
Manitoba & Ontario Bars

Murray N. Trachtenberg
B.A., LL.B.
Direct Line: (204) 940-9602

March 23, 2006

Court of Queen's Bench
Law Courts Building
Room 226 - 408 York Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0P9

Attention: Honourable Master Sharp

Dear Master Sharp:

Re: Manitoba Metis Federation Inc. et al vs. Terry Belhumeur et al

Queen's Bench File No. CI-01-41955
My File No. 2003-20

We appeared before your Honor on February 13, 2006 on the motions made by the defendant Pieuk. Thereafter, Mr. Niederhoffer and I agreed on the form of Order.

On February 22, 2006, I signed the Order in duplicate and forwarded same to Mr. Belhumeur for signature (copy of my letter to him enclosed). On March 2, 2006, I sent an email to Mr. Belhumeur (copy enclosed) requesting that he sign the Order and return the copies to Mr. Niederhoffer.

Enclosed please find a copy of Mr. Niederhoffer's email to me of March 22, 2006 confirming that although he has attempted to contact Mr. Belhumeur to obtain the documents, he has been unable to do so.

Murray Trachtenberg
From: "Terry Belhumeur" <>
To: "Clare Pieuk"
Subject: Computer Virus From MT

March 23, 2006

Mr. Trachtenberg:

I am sending this e-mail back to you since it did contain a virus which is stated in this message. I do not appreciate you attempting to contaminate my computer and will be sending a hard copy to this message to Master Sharp.

On another note, I did send the signed hard copy of the papers your sent me to Jeff. He has changed his place of employ and perhaps he is just slow at picking them up. In any event, I do request a service of any Court papers that go out from your Office involving this case.

Terry Belhumeur


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