Saturday, May 20, 2006

Thank you!

Derryl Sanderson said ...

LOL. Good on Clare. I have to say you are doing a super job covering the election and it seems people are sharing some great information - keep up the excellent work and on June 29th we will see the change in leadership.
Hi Derryl,

Thank you for the kind words. Coming from a fellow "Chicken, Peeping Tom Blogger" they mean a lot! It's truly amazing the transformation from May 6, 2000 when went online three days after that year's election to now in the amount of information available to the Metis electorate! Never before have they gone to their polling stations as well informed on the issues as they will be June 29, 2006 thanks to sites such as yours.

The current MMF leadership's monopoly on information via newspaper ("Grassroots News") and radio ("The Metis Hour Times Two") has effectively been broken and they don't like it one bit! Although dirty tricks will happen (reliable sources recently indicated they've already started) and will be impossible to completely stop, with the Bloggers watching it will be much, much harder this time around!

From the feedback we're getting on the "Hall of Shame All Stars" article we ran recently, it's really resonating throughout Manitoba's Metisland which is further confirmed by the number of visitors the past few days to this site. As for the "LOL" I'm guessing you're referring to yesterday's photo piece "The Comparison Game!" (From one of our regular readers with a "unique sense" of humour!) and/or "Getting ready for tomorrow's Metis Hour Times Two!" Please keep up the terrific work you're doing over at

Must now leave to finish the article, "What a piece of ....!" - the 23 page Amended Statement of Claim against CyberSmokeSignals along with my analysis/comments. It's important those attending the Stonewall Local's Candidates Forum next Wednesday (May 24, 2006) have this information so they're armed with what they need to ask the Plaintiffs running for re-election the tough questions.

Clare Pieuk


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