Don't know about Derryl but I'd rather be a whiner than a dummy!
Anonymous said ...
Dear Blogmaster:
Seems Darryl Sanderson and you don't like the idea of MLAs supporting David Chartrand. I think it really doesn't matter at this point. Most people have either voted, or have their minds made up. What a bunch of Tory MLAs say now is of no importance. See my blog for more on what I have written.
I don't mean to sound rude, but what Darryl and you have said kind of makes you all sound like whiners. I enjoy reading both your blogs and usually go there to get the stories first but this issue is a little out of character for both of you.
People have the right no matter what position they are in to support whoever they want on a personal platform. These individuals did say it was not a Party endorsement. Besides, if Yvon does happen to win I am sure he will welcome the provincial Progressive Conservative Party's acknowledgement of the Metis.
Dear Anonymous:
Derry Sanderson makes some excellent points in his article. Not to sound rude but perhaps you should carefully re-read his posting - is it possible you might have missed or perhaps didn't comprehend something? Here at CyberSmokeBlog we couldn't agree with you less. As provincial politicians are they so sadly misinformed as to think the current Chartrand administration runs a clean tight ship? What about Team Chartrand's election tactics have they not been reading the newspapers? Oh well, I'd rather be a whiner than a "dummy" - right?
A wise person once said people are only entitied to an opinion if it's an iformed one.
Clare L. Pieuk
Dear Blogmaster:
Seems Darryl Sanderson and you don't like the idea of MLAs supporting David Chartrand. I think it really doesn't matter at this point. Most people have either voted, or have their minds made up. What a bunch of Tory MLAs say now is of no importance. See my blog for more on what I have written.
I don't mean to sound rude, but what Darryl and you have said kind of makes you all sound like whiners. I enjoy reading both your blogs and usually go there to get the stories first but this issue is a little out of character for both of you.
People have the right no matter what position they are in to support whoever they want on a personal platform. These individuals did say it was not a Party endorsement. Besides, if Yvon does happen to win I am sure he will welcome the provincial Progressive Conservative Party's acknowledgement of the Metis.
Dear Anonymous:
Derry Sanderson makes some excellent points in his article. Not to sound rude but perhaps you should carefully re-read his posting - is it possible you might have missed or perhaps didn't comprehend something? Here at CyberSmokeBlog we couldn't agree with you less. As provincial politicians are they so sadly misinformed as to think the current Chartrand administration runs a clean tight ship? What about Team Chartrand's election tactics have they not been reading the newspapers? Oh well, I'd rather be a whiner than a "dummy" - right?
A wise person once said people are only entitied to an opinion if it's an iformed one.
Clare L. Pieuk
Please tune in to CBC Radio Channel 990 at 7:30 AM on Monday June 26.
Yvon Dumont and Bob Chartrand will heard doing an interview with Louise Charette
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