Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Today's advice: Watch those thirty year old littering convictions and don't cheat on your taxes!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post, "The MMF- LRCC Connection: An Exclusive CyberSmokeBlog Investigative Report!"

This is a real embarrassment and new low for you. What next - are you going to publish people's tax returns? What if someone were charged with littering thirty years ago? I don't know anything about these guys or this Louis Riel Capital Corporation but I don't understand why the fact they owe money - even if it's lots of money - to a Corporation is worth publishing. Leave them alone - why are you bothering them!
Dear Anonymous:

Thank you for writing. Yes, if we legally could we'd publish their income tax returns and any littering convictions from thirty years ago. "These guys" as you call them were MMF Provincial Board of Directors at the time they obtained their loans from The Louis Riel Capital Corporation which Federation lawyer Murray Norman Trachtenberg has described, in various public documents, as "an arms-length affiliate" of the Manitoba Metis Federation.

Using generally accepted accounting principles, we'd beg to differ with Counselor Trachtenberg's nomenclature. How can that be when LRCC's present Chairwoman is a former Federation Vice-President plus you have two MMF VPs currently sitting on The Corporation's Board of Directors? Arms-length affiliate?

By the way, the initial operational and loan capital to launch The Louis Riel Capital Corporation was provided over twelve years ago under the terms of an Aboriginal Business Canada (embedded as part of Industry Canada) Contribution Agreement.

"These guys" to whom you refer are Plaintiffs in a defamation lawsuit brought against last year by the Manitoba Metis Federation. Presumably they believe they've suffered grievous injury and damage. One other point. Do you think it's possible the MMF is using YOUR taxpayer dollars to cover their legal bills? Any more questions?

Clare L. Pieuk

P.S. Too bad you don't know one of our readers The Red Baron - he could further enlighten you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL - thanks for the plug. I think this person is out for not only lunch, but breakfast and supper as well . Deslauriers and Montgomery sit on the MMF Board which regulates Louis Riel, they borrow money from the regulated corporation, they're then sued by it, and to this day they owe it tens of thousands of dollars. This is such an obvious conflict of interest, stretching into so many different directions, it hurts! And the MMF wants to be taken seriously as the "government of the Metis people"?? PUH-lease! The MMF cannot even govern itself. . . .

FYI, hope you're continuing to look into Deslauriers. There's more there.

8:58 AM  

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