Thursday, October 05, 2006

"Dat really you Jimmy H.?"

Tansi/Good Day Readers:

Sometimes you have to laugh. Colleague and Fellow Blogger Derryl Sanderson ( recently received an e-mail from someone who had a rather different perspective on comments posted earlier by Derryl regarding Grassrootsnews and its Owner/Publisher Arnold Asham. Obviously the individual was very knowledgeable about the subject matter but remains anonymous. As you can see by their response below, they are a little uncomfortable revealing their identity in the face of earlier gentle internet prodding by Mr. Sanderson. We don't think they'll self-identify:

The reason I keep anonymous is because I suffer from "Jimmy Hoffa Syndrome" and don't want to become the only resident underneath the freshly poured concrete of the new Manitoba Hydro complex. The people we challenge are capable of almost anything and it's a short hop from dissident to dead. In the future I will identify myself as:

Jimmy H!

Dear Mr. H.:

Jimmy H. Potograph Currently Unavailable!

Christ Jimmy where you been hiding - why the hell haven't you called home eh? Or as Host (silver-throated recently silver haired Metis icon crooner) Ray Germain from Derryl Sanderson's favourite taxpayer MMF funded NCI Radio Program, Metis Hour Times Two would say:

"Dat really you Jimmy H.?"

The Real Ray ("Elvis") St. Germain

All of us at thought you'd been buried in custom made cement shoes under tons of concrete beneath Giants Stadium in The Meadowlands, New Jersey. When you get a chance Jimmy H. drop us a quick line to let us know how you're doing. Please enclose updated picture.

Clare L. Pieuk

Born: Brazil, Indiana February 14, 1913
Died: Unknown (Disappeared July 30, 1975)
Officially Declared Dead: July 30, 1982


Mr Hoffa was a noted American labour leader with ties to the Mafia. As the President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s, Hoffa wielded considerable influence. He is also well-known in popular culture for the mysterious circumstances surrounding his still-unexplained disappearance and presumed death.

THE REAL Arnold Asham

THE REAL Derryl Sanderson

PERSON UNKNOWN - "Dat really you Jimmy H.?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I noticed there is an uncanny resemblance between Arnold Asham and teamster Jimmy Hoffa. Does anybody know if Mr. Asham has an airbrake endorsement on his drivers license?

8:40 AM  

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