Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Badly needed election reform - please support the petiton!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post, "Sorry, couldn't agree with you less!"

Hi Clare,

I say let the petion go ahead. The Metis National Council is a gong show in my opinion and it's time for theC-31s to stick there nose in there own pot. We don't need them on our voters lists.

Un Vyue Mechif Fiere Rene
Dear Rene,

Thank you for writing. Approximately four years ago when I was associated with I did a laborious line-by-line analysis of a 1994 partial "official" voters list for the MMF's Winnipeg Region - all 5,147 entries. The result? An error rate of almost 33%:

(1) Same name and address listed under multiple Locals
(2) Names and addresses but no Local
(3) Names and Locals but no addresses
(4) And my favourite - the same private residence with 12 people listed

Had no way of knowing who had C-31 status but it's fair to say some did which would have likely pushed the error rate to over 35%. Can you imagine if the federal or provincial governments held elections with such inaccurate voters lists?

Remember when Yvon Dumont supposedly lost the 2000 MMF Presidency by 20 votes. How many C-31s cast a ballot that year?

After evey general vote the Chief Electoral Officer is required to submit a written post mortem report to the MMF's Provincial Board of Directors. When Mr. Dumont challenged the results in court, these became public information once filed in the Court of Queen's Bench case management file. What they show was then CEO retired provincial judge Alvin Hamilton constantly commenting on the inaccuracy and unrealibility of voters lists while making recommendations for improving them. At one point he became so frustrated with the lack of prograss he threatened to resign. It's all there for the reading.

Those who have organized the petition were very wise indeed to include this issue which is why you should support their efforts.

Clare L. Pieuk


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me if Ron Chartrand is a blood relitive of David? Is he the vice prez of the MMF? Just curious cause back in the day I dated Ron's son for many years and the family is proud treaty!!!! not metis!!

9:52 PM  

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