Tuesday, November 13, 2007

He's back!


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mr. Murray N. Trachtenberg, LL.B.
Posner & Trachtenberg
710 – 491 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2E4
Direct Line: (204) 940-9602

Dear Counselor Trachtenberg:

Re: MMF et al vs. Clare L. Pieuk et al Queen’s Bench File No. CI 05-01-41955
Your File No. 2003-20

Pursuant to Undertaking 6:

Advise if the date Mr. Pieuk became the webmaster of CyberSmokeSignals.com was a date other than June 29, 2001.

From your Examination for Discovery held September 18, 2007, please be advised I have conferred with my former attorney of record Mr. Jeffrey J. Niederhoffer. Neither of us are able to recall the derivation of said date. However, we would suggest you directly contact Co-defendant Terry Paul Belhumeur who was and still is the exclusive registered owner of www.CyberSmokeSignals.com.

We are indeed confident with his laser-like memory Mr. Belhumeur will no doubt be able to recall the exact time, place and date he provided the user name and password thereby allowing internal access to his site. Good Luck!

Please govern yourself accordingly!

Yours truly,
Clare L. Pieuk

Distribution List


The Prime Minister (Harper.S@parl.gc.ca)
Minister of Indian And Northern Affairs Canada (Strahl.C@parl.gc.ca)
Minister of Finance (Flaherty.J@parl.gc.ca)
President, Treasury Board of Canada (Toews.V@parl.gc.ca)
Minister of Justice (Nicholson.R@parl.gc.ca)
Rod Bruinooge (Bruinooge.R@parl.gc.ca)
Auditor General of Canada (petitions@oag-bvg.gc.ca)
Canadian Taxpayers Federation - National (jwilliamson@taxpayer.com)


Premier, Manitoba (premier@leg.gov.mb.ca)
Minister of Finance (minfin@leg.gov.mb.ca)
Minister of Justice (minjus@leg.gov.mb.ca)
Auditor General of Manitoba (contact@oag.mb.ca)
Canadian Taxpayers Federation - Manitoba (abatra@shawbiz.ca)


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