Why you should support the petition! Good use of your taxpayer dollars?
Barristers, Solicitors & Notaries Public
710-491 Portage Aveue
Winnipeg, MB R3B 2E4
Fax: (204) 944-8878
Gerald S. Posner
Manitoba & Ontario Bars
Murray N. Trachtenberg
B.A., LL.B.
Direct Line: (204) 940-9602
e-mail: mtrachtenberg@ptlaw.mb.ca
November 2, 2007
Mr. Clare L. Pieuk
2 - 371 Des Meurons Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2H 2N6
Dear Mr. Pieuk:
Re: MMF et al vs. Clare L. Pieuk et al
Queen's Bench File No. CI 05-01-41955
My File No. 2003-20
Further to your examination for discovery held September 18, 2007, I enclose copies of the following:
1. Reporter's List of Undertakings; and
2. Extract from the Transcript consisting of the following pages:
(a) 53 - 55;
(b) 71 - 72;
(c) 120 - 122;
(d) 161 - 162
Please provide me with the responses to the Undertakings at your earliest convenience.
As well, please reconsider Undertaking no. 4 which you refused to give and advise if you are willing to provide the information requested.
Finally, as I have advised you previously, you have not complied with your obligation to provide a sworn affidavit of documents. Please provide the appropriate affidavit in the very near future.
Yours truly,
Tansi/Good Day Folks:
On Tuesday, September 18, 2007 Counselor Murray Norman Trachtenberg cross-examined me in his office from 9:30 a.m. to approximately 2:00 p.m. with an hour break for lunch. Co-Defendant Terry Paul Belhumeur, the registered owner of www.CyberSmokeSignals.com (oakhammock@yahoo.com) was present but said not a word.
Unfortunately, Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench rules prohibit displaying that portion of the transcripts which Counselor Trachtenberg attached to his letter otherwise they'd be posted so all Canadian taxpayers could read just how ridiculous this litigation really is.
After the examination, the Court Reporter estimated a complete set would likely cost over $700 - Mr. Trachtenberg invoiced this cost to the Manitoba Metis Federation.
Then there is his pre-examination preparation time plus actual questioning. At a minimum $250/hour, an educated guess is his legal bill is in excess of $10,000 for this one event in a case which dates back to February 9, 2004 when Winnipeg Metis lawyer Lionel Chartrand (served as CSS.com's General Legal Council at the time) and Terry Belhumeur received defamation warning letters from Counselor Trachtenberg.
If you can believe it, Lionel R.R. Chartrand wrote the petition (January, 2004) which was then posted with his permission verbatim on www.CyberSmokeSignals.com. The MMF is now alleging it was defamatory. Lionel Chartrand, who has done paid legal work for the Manitoba Metis Federation in the past has not been named as a Co-Defendant?
During the cross-examination I could not believe the stack of CSS.com postings Counselor Trachtenberg had before him. At $250/hour (minimum) you had to wonder how much he charged the MMF for downloading. Talk about a waste of your hard earned taxpayer dollars!
Clare L. Pieuk
Distribution List
The Prime Minister (Harper.S@parl.gc.ca)
Minister of Indian And Northern Affairs Canada (Strahl.C@parl.gc.ca)
Minister of Finance (Flaherty.J@parl.gc.ca)
President, Treasury Board of Canada (Toews.V@parl.gc.ca)
Minister of Justice (Nicholson.R@parl.gc.ca)
Rod Bruinooge (Bruinooge.R@parl.gc.ca)
Auditor General of Canada (petitions@oag-bvg.gc.ca)
Canadian Taxpayers Federation - National (jwilliamson@taxpayer.com)
Premier, Manitoba (premier@leg.gov.mb.ca)
Minister of Finance (minfin@leg.gov.mb.ca)
Minister of Justice (minjus@leg.gov.mb.ca)
Auditor General of Manitoba (contact@oag.mb.ca)
Canadian Taxpayers Federation - Manitoba (abatra@shawbiz.ca)
Barristers, Solicitors & Notaries Public
710-491 Portage Aveue
Winnipeg, MB R3B 2E4
Fax: (204) 944-8878
Gerald S. Posner
Manitoba & Ontario Bars
Murray N. Trachtenberg
B.A., LL.B.
Direct Line: (204) 940-9602
e-mail: mtrachtenberg@ptlaw.mb.ca
November 2, 2007
Mr. Clare L. Pieuk
2 - 371 Des Meurons Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2H 2N6
Dear Mr. Pieuk:
Re: MMF et al vs. Clare L. Pieuk et al
Queen's Bench File No. CI 05-01-41955
My File No. 2003-20
Further to your examination for discovery held September 18, 2007, I enclose copies of the following:
1. Reporter's List of Undertakings; and
2. Extract from the Transcript consisting of the following pages:
(a) 53 - 55;
(b) 71 - 72;
(c) 120 - 122;
(d) 161 - 162
Please provide me with the responses to the Undertakings at your earliest convenience.
As well, please reconsider Undertaking no. 4 which you refused to give and advise if you are willing to provide the information requested.
Finally, as I have advised you previously, you have not complied with your obligation to provide a sworn affidavit of documents. Please provide the appropriate affidavit in the very near future.
Yours truly,
Tansi/Good Day Folks:
On Tuesday, September 18, 2007 Counselor Murray Norman Trachtenberg cross-examined me in his office from 9:30 a.m. to approximately 2:00 p.m. with an hour break for lunch. Co-Defendant Terry Paul Belhumeur, the registered owner of www.CyberSmokeSignals.com (oakhammock@yahoo.com) was present but said not a word.
Unfortunately, Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench rules prohibit displaying that portion of the transcripts which Counselor Trachtenberg attached to his letter otherwise they'd be posted so all Canadian taxpayers could read just how ridiculous this litigation really is.
After the examination, the Court Reporter estimated a complete set would likely cost over $700 - Mr. Trachtenberg invoiced this cost to the Manitoba Metis Federation.
Then there is his pre-examination preparation time plus actual questioning. At a minimum $250/hour, an educated guess is his legal bill is in excess of $10,000 for this one event in a case which dates back to February 9, 2004 when Winnipeg Metis lawyer Lionel Chartrand (served as CSS.com's General Legal Council at the time) and Terry Belhumeur received defamation warning letters from Counselor Trachtenberg.
If you can believe it, Lionel R.R. Chartrand wrote the petition (January, 2004) which was then posted with his permission verbatim on www.CyberSmokeSignals.com. The MMF is now alleging it was defamatory. Lionel Chartrand, who has done paid legal work for the Manitoba Metis Federation in the past has not been named as a Co-Defendant?
During the cross-examination I could not believe the stack of CSS.com postings Counselor Trachtenberg had before him. At $250/hour (minimum) you had to wonder how much he charged the MMF for downloading. Talk about a waste of your hard earned taxpayer dollars!
Clare L. Pieuk
Distribution List
The Prime Minister (Harper.S@parl.gc.ca)
Minister of Indian And Northern Affairs Canada (Strahl.C@parl.gc.ca)
Minister of Finance (Flaherty.J@parl.gc.ca)
President, Treasury Board of Canada (Toews.V@parl.gc.ca)
Minister of Justice (Nicholson.R@parl.gc.ca)
Rod Bruinooge (Bruinooge.R@parl.gc.ca)
Auditor General of Canada (petitions@oag-bvg.gc.ca)
Canadian Taxpayers Federation - National (jwilliamson@taxpayer.com)
Premier, Manitoba (premier@leg.gov.mb.ca)
Minister of Finance (minfin@leg.gov.mb.ca)
Minister of Justice (minjus@leg.gov.mb.ca)
Auditor General of Manitoba (contact@oag.mb.ca)
Canadian Taxpayers Federation - Manitoba (abatra@shawbiz.ca)
Why was Terry Belhumeur there? Did he have questions for you too? If so, why wasn't Vanessa Everton also present?
Keep up your great work! My friends and I love what you're doing in terms of publicizing this lawsuit!
- DF
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