Tuesday, December 25, 2007

More Canadian taxpayer dolldars for Murray!


Very late Christmas Day – Thank you Murray!
December 25, 2007

Mr. Murray N. Trachtenberg
Posner & Trachtenberg
Barristers, Solicitors & Notaries Public
710-491 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2E4
Direct Line: (204) 940-9602

Counselor Trachtenberg:

Re: MMF et al. versus Terry Belhumeur et al.
Queen’s Bench File No. CI 05-01-41955
Your File No. 2003-20

This is further to your letter of December 17, 2007

Please be advised:

(1) At my Examination for Discovery held September 18, 2007 at your Office attended by Co-Defendant Terrance Paul Belhumeur, I specifically asked for particularization of his Examination. You indicated there had been a change about which I would be advised. To date you have not done so which constitutes an abuse of process, clearly breaches Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench Rules and violates The Law Society of Manitoba’s code of professional ethics and conduct. It will be the basis of yet another complaint against you even though The Society is of somewhat dubious effectiveness when disciplining its Membership

(2) You have failed to advise whether Co-Defendant Belhumeur plans to or has already submitted an Affidavit of Documents to which I will be given access - grounds for a second LSM complaint. You Sir, are ungovernable

(3) On May 1, 2006 I appeared before Madam Justice Deborah J. McCawley, Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench to challenge your pre-trial Motion to grant an Order forcing Co-Defendant Belhumeur and I to turn over to your care all Manitoba Metis Federation documents in our possession and reveal their source(s)

(i) Several of these documents contained very disturbing information relating to expenditures of taxpayer dollars. Unfortunately, my concern these materials could be shredded or otherwise miraculously disappear was noted by My Lady who on several occasions pointed out it was me about whom she was concerned. Therefore, she could not allow an Examination for Discovery, should one take place, to proceed with documents that may have been obtained through questionable means

(ii) The Honourable Justice McCawley further pointed out all said materials could be subpoenaed at trial. In the interim you would be held exclusively responsible for their safekeeping

(iii) On May 3, 2006 she signed off on an Order which stated in part:

An order directing the defendants Pieuk and Belhumeur to return to the Manitoba Metis Federation Inc. all copies of all internal documents of the corporations listed in 2(i) to (xiv) below:

(i) Manitoba Metis Federation Inc.
(ii) Community Housing Managers of Manitoba Inc.
(iii) Louis Riel Capital Corporation
(iv) Manitoba Metis Community Investments Inc.
(v) Pemmican Publications Inc.
(vi) Metis Child and Family Services Authority
(vii) Metis Women of Manitoba Inc.
(viii) Louis Riel Institute
(ix) Northwest Metis Council Inc.
(x) Interlake Metis Association Inc.
(xi) Southeast Regional Metis Corporation
(xii) Manitoba Metis Federation Southwest Region Inc.
(xiii) MMF The Pas Region Inc.
(xiv) Manitoba Metis Federation Thompson Region Inc.
(xv) Winnipeg Metis Association Inc.
(xvi) Metis National Council and Metis National Council Secretariat Inc.

(4) On three separate occasions beginning late Spring and early Summer 2006 I entrusted a package of Manitoba Metis Federation documents to your Legal Assistant Ms Louise Coulombe. They totalled 1,574 pages and will form the basis of my Affidavit (SCHEDULE A)

(5) Reference your August 29, 2007 Affidavit of Documents. Attention is drawn to entry 110:

Letter from Christian Asselin, Office of the Auditor General of Canada to Murray Trachtenberg dated July 7, 2006 enclosing various documents bundled and labeled as:

MMF Binder Part I
MMF Binder Part II
MMF Binder Part III
Orange folder entitled Pieuk, Clare (Rec’d @ July 4/05) Chartrand Insurance
Orange folder entitled Clare Pieuk – Folder #2 (Copies @ 10/05)
Yellow Folder entitled “Red Binder” (re Clare Pieuk; copies @ June 10/05)
Orange folder entitled MMF @ June 21/05 Copies
Orange folder entitled Clare Pieuk – Folder #1 (Copies @ June 10/05)

* Only after being served with the Plaintiffs’ Statement of Claim (May 28, 2005) did I initiate a series of meetings with senior staff at the Office of the Auditor General of Manitoba to begin turning over documentation in my possession. On October 24, 2005 the fourth in a series of meetings took place (Deputy Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk in attendance) with three senior OAG officials. It was subsequently decided since the MMF receives over 95% of its taxpayer dollars from Ottawa, the balance from Manitoba, the OAG was prepared to enter into a joint federal-provincial forensic review. I then directed Ms Lysyk to transfer the material to Mr. Christian Asselin, Director, Office of the Auditor General of Canada

Recall Counselor Trachtenberg at your September 18, 2007 Examination for Discovery, I specifically asked if you were in possession of the aforementioned documentation. Your response was you were not. The fact they are listed in your Affidavit of Documents suggests otherwise

Shortly I will be writing to Canada’s Auditor General for confirmation said material is still in their possession. If not I will inquire of senior Federal Cabinet Ministers as to the propriety of a citizen releasing confidential documents in support of a request for a forensic audit only to have them subsequently released to an attorney representing the taxpayer funded organization in question

(6) Therefore, you have at least one set, and it would appear two, of the documents required to prepare SCHEDULE A of my Affidavit. Whereas yours has 118 entries mine will comprise over 1,000. As soon as said materials are temporarily returned I will immediately comply with the request

(7) In the meantime, SCHEDULE B will be surface mailed “forthwith” (immediately; without delay; at once) and posted on this site

The Manitoba Metis Federation Leadership’s use of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Canadian taxpayer dollars to sue private citizens who dare to criticize it must stop and it will!

Govern yourself accordingly Counselor.

Yours truly,
Clare L. Pieuk

Distribution List
The Prime Minister (Harper.S@parl.gc.ca)
Minister of Indian And Northern Affairs Canada (Strahl.C@parl.gc.ca)
Minister of Finance (Flaherty.J@parl.gc.ca)
President, Treasury Board of Canada (Toews.V@parl.gc.ca)
Minister of Justice (Nicholson.R@parl.gc.ca)
Rod Bruinooge (Bruinooge.R@parl.gc.ca)
Auditor General of Canada (petitions@oag-bvg.gc.ca)
Canadian Taxpayers Federation - National (jwilliamson@taxpayer.com)
Premier, Manitoba (premier@leg.gov.mb.ca)
Minister of Finance (minfin@leg.gov.mb.ca)
Minister of Justice (minjus@leg.gov.mb.ca)
Auditor General of Manitoba (contact@oag.mb.ca)
Canadian Taxpayers Federation - Manitoba (abatra@shawbiz.ca)
Legal CommunityPublic
Interest Law Centre - Winnipeg (bwilliams@pilc.mb.ca)
Lionel R. R. Chartrand - Legal Aid Manitoba (licha@legalaid.mb.ca)
The Lawyers Weekly (tlw@lexisnexis.ca)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A thousand THANK YOU's for your efforts Clare... the future educated and honest Metis will acknowledge and benefit from your involvement in exposig everything here. You have refused to be bullied and stomped on by such 'Stalin' like bullies. It will be worth it after all, in the end the Metis of Manitoba deserve better treatment, deserve a Federation thats something else then this hodge podge of bloated egoisms. We (the Metis) are SSSOOOO much bigger than that...

Once again thank you,

Madame O' ...and all my future little O's thank you too...

5:57 AM  

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