Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bizarre, petty and childlish in Courtroom 330!

Good Day Readers:

Yesterday we attended a Court of Appeal session in the Manitoba Metis Federation’s taxpayer financed defamation lawsuit against CyberSmokeSignals (Court of Queen’s Bench File No. CI 05-01-41955). While we were not allowed to introduce the recently created (December 2009) Supreme Court of Canada defence of public interest responsible journalism, a decision with which we respectfully but strongly disagree, nevertheless 50% of our objective was realized.

The Appeal Court’s ruling simply maintains the status quo and does not alter the most important dynamic. At trial Plaintiffs will be subjected to cross-examination under oath. No longer will they be able to hide behind the coattails of Team TRACHTENBERG-chartrand.

However, an incident occurred that was nothing short of bizarre. As Murray Trachtenberg was preparing to exit the courtroom our Counsel Anders Bruun jocularly said, “It’s far from over Murray” to which the prolific, production line, serial kvetcher Mr. Trachtenberg replied, “It does not behoove you as counsel to make threats to me as I am leaving the courtroom.”

Huh? Threats? Everyone of sound mind would realize this was a reference to additional Affidavits, Notices of Motions, Motion Briefs, a Counter Statement of Claim other documents to be filed by the defence. To Mr. Trachtenberg we offer Webster’s New World Dictionary’s definition of a threat:

“An expression of intention to hurt, destroy, punish, etc., as in retaliation or intimidation. An indication of imminent danger, harm, evil etc. [the threat of war.]”

At times like this we’re reminded of the character “Pogo” from the famous daily comic strip (1948-1975) who coined the phrase, “We have met the enemy and it us .” The biggest "threat" to Murray Trachtenberg is Murray Trachtenberg.

A tad thin-skinned are we Counselor? Oy vey!

Clare L. Pieuk

P.S. By the way, I was seated in the front row of the public gallery near the courtroom door so was in an excellent position to witnesse what transpired.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wha whaa, must have been a hell of a day eh? And can't wait to see who will be the first one to take the stand! Just can't wait Claire... definetly doing my happy dance. its like how can any level minded Metis vote these people back in at the next election. Me thinks they belong more at the clown convention being held in the big city this week.

Again, Wha whaa, once all is exposed there will hopefully be people picketing them out of town... all elegible voters of Manitoba, the Metis and all others deserve to hear answers from each of them that takes the stand. They can't drop like flies now. Its to late. They must face you, Claire, and defend Dav and Murr... can't wait, can't wait, Can't wait...


6:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pathetic asswipe

didn't he also accuse your former lawyer nederhoffer of threatening the mmf ?

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:24 AM  

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