Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Donald's back - no not that one!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post, "Murray "$Billable Hours$" Trachtenberg shakes the taxpayer money tree yet again!"
"The Donald" is back that's back in the fold with David (Chartrand), Elbert (Chartrand), Fran, Anita, Richard, John. P, Nancy, Lee H. Can you say Duck Bay X9? That's the MMF Executive Director, the President, Northwest Vice President, the Metis Child, Familyand Community Services Director, the Metis Women Representative, the 2 Northwest Board members, the Duck Bay Head Start Executive Director and the Northwest Local Management Board member.
That's "yes" David, "yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes David whatever you say David." And those are the top spots. Seems its all about the money. If there were none the top 9 would be out of there in a New York minute.
Just wish the other 52,718 eligible voters knew more, said more, voted more.
Dear Anonymous:
Thank you for writing. The names you've provided gave us cause to do a little research. "The Donald" (Donald Roulette) at one time was the MMF's Executive Director until a few years ago when Oliver Boulette left the provincial government to replace him. During the time he wasn't ED no one seemed to know exactly what it was this longtime MMF apparatchik did. From the last Winnipeg Regional Office Annual General Meeting prior to the June election we received unconfirmed reports we were unable to verify that Mr. Boulette had left either because he could afford to retire or he got tired of David Chartrand's controlling ways.
Oliver Boulette was David Chartrand's lawyer Murray Trachtenberg's (http://www.ptlaw.mb.ca; mtrachtenberg@ptlaw.mb.ca) favourite go to guy for affidavits in the Federation's defamation lawsuit against CyberSmokeSignals. It seems recently "The Donald" has inherited that role from Mr. Boulette.
The reference to "Fran" we assume is Francis Chartrand who is David Chartrand's sister. It is our understanding at one time she worked at MMF headquarters then went off to earn a degree from Brandon University. We checked the Metis Child, Family And Community Services website http://www.metiscfs.mb.ca in particular the link to the 2008-2009 Annual General Report but could find no reference to her. Anyone know if she's involved with MCFCS and if so in what capacity?
"Anita" you referenced we believe may be Anita Campbell who if so is the Metis Women of Manitoba Representative. She did not run in this year's election. In the past there have been conconfirmed reports suggesting she may be related to David Chartrand. To date we have been unable to verify this information.
"John P" is likely John Parenteau elected earlier this month to the Northwest Regional Board of Directors while "Richard" is probably Richard Genaille who joined him. A John H. Parenteau was listed in 2001 as a Board Member of the Duck Bay Housing Board. However, we have no way of confirming both are one and the same individual.
"Nancy" appears to be Nancy Chartrand. The Swan River Friendship Centre website (http://www.mac.mb.ca/swanriver/staff.html) shows David Chartrand's brother (or stepbrother) Elbert Chartrand as its Executive Director. Mr. Elbert Chartrand is also a Plaintiff in the MMF's defamation lawsuit.

A Nancy Chartrand is shown as being associated with the Aboriginal Head Start Program - Abinoje Head Start (Duck Bay). Back in 2001 the same name was listed as a Board Member for the Duck Bay Housing Board. However, we are unaware whether a familial relationship exists between President Chartrand and Ms Chartrand. Anyone know? Also noticed Ruby Chartrand appears with the Children for the Future initiative (Swan River).

Finally, the missing piece of the puzzle is "Lee H." which it was suggested is associated with the Northwest Local Management Board. When we checked the NW Metis Association webpage (http://www.northwestmetis.com) all we could find was a link to the Northwest Local Management Board's Newsletter. Problem is it was dated June of 2005. "The Message from the Chairperson" did not come with a name. So the identity of Lee H. remains a mystery.

We'd like to leave you with our favourite image found when we Googled Duck Bay. Looks like the authorities were concerned the locals would drive into the water so placed this sign.

Clare L. Pieuk


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