Monday, October 25, 2010

Welcome to the age of internet interconnectivity?

Truth To Power (;

Good Day Readers:

In his e-mail to Ms Bremner, of which we received a copy, Blogmaster Populi a practicing Canadian lawyer makes a valid point.

In these the fontier days of blogging any site can link to another - this is how the internet works. We're aware of some blogs to which we've been connected but certainly not all. The usual protocol is to request permission before doing so, however, as far as we're aware there is no legal requirement. A problem arises should you find yourself plugged into a radical location such as a white supremacist, pornographic or otherwise fringe group because you have no control whatsoever over what someone else is posting. The only remedy would be to politely request your site be uncoupled but if the other party, for whatever reason(s) refuses, your only redress might be to threaten a lawsuit. We are unaware if there have been any successful prosecutions. Much internet law still remains to be written.

As an attorney who has frequently appeared in the media one would think Ms Bremener would be aware of this.

Clare L. Pieuk
October 25, 2010
Washington Lawyer Anne Bremner
From: Vic Populi <>
To: Anne Bremner <>
Saturday, October 23, 2010 at 9:46 AM
Subject: Re.

Ms. Bremner,

I thank you for the clarification. I have no power to control the content of linked websites, nor would I do so even if I could. I agree with your comments regarding the accuracy of information purported to be factual, but I also place a much higher premium on freedom of expression, with no limitations or restrictions.

If you dispute the accuracy of information and allegations reported about you, you should take to the public sphere to correct such information, and not resort to bald (and transparently empty) threats.

For the record, I found your comment that you "have ... reported" me to be more comical than threatening. For entertainment value, I would be genuinely interested to know to whom you "reported" me.


Anne Bremner on Bill O'Reilly Show


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