Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Coming Attraction: The continuing adventures of "Weaselly and The Bully!"

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post, "Post your Canadian taxpayer salary on the internet David Chartrand!"

They (David Chartrand and his personal defamation lawyer Murray Trachtenberg) want to know who's who on your site but just try to find out how much they make and how much was spent during the last MMF election then its their mouths' shut tight. Isn't that like two faced? O forked tongue or something?
Dear Anonymous:

Thank you for writing. Your points are well taken. It's impossible to find out how much was spent on the last MMF election or any other for that matter - we know we've tried. The Federation's bylaws in this regard are woefully inadequate.

The following was received from Murray Trachtenberg:

"I acknowledge receipt of your email transmitted on September 2, 2007 requesting copies of expense claims and evidence of payments for each claim, for the period March 27, 2003 to October 20, 2004.

The documentation you have requested in irrelevant to the matters raised in the pleadings. They will not be provided."

Then there was this taken from an Affidavit sworn July 27, 2009 by former Manitoba Metis Federation Executive Director Oliver Boulette notarized by Murray Trachtenberg:

"I noted in Exhibit 'G' Mr. Pieuk is seeking expense documents for the period March 27, 2003 to October 20, 2004. I am not certain at present if all of these documents still exist. If they do, they will be in storage and a considerable amount of staff time will have to be spent to locate and retrieve them." (page 7 paragraph 21)"

Organizational transparency and accountability for Canadian taxpayer dollars? Hardly.

Clare L. Pieuk


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