Thursday, November 04, 2010

"The chat!"

Good Day Readers:

If you're wondering about the crackling fireplace it's in tribute to our internet service provider Shaw Cable. We're just getting back online after being out since around dinner time yesterday. If you have a land phone also connected to SC guess what also happens? This is how it felt:

Soon Shaw's community access channel 9 will begin burning that yultide log 24/7/365 so hopefully the video will prepare you.

We've been busy with the Manitoba Metis Federation's lawsuit against this site's precursor ( for alleged defamation being prosecuted by President David Chartrand's personal Canadian taxpayer financed solicitor Murray "Handshake" Trachtenberg - if you're wondering about the new monicker we'll be explaining it shortly in another posting.

Monday it was yet another appearance before Madam Justice McKelvey (the third) who will be the trial judge. There have been so many pre-trials (approximately 25 since September 8, 2008 when the first was held) it's beginning to feel like we're a hardened criminal whose been in most courtrooms at the Law Courts Building. Her Ladyship is the second Justice to enter this case the first being Justice Karen Simonsen. Wonder how many pre-trial appearances convicted serial murderer Russell Williams had?

Tuesday it was yet another Cross-Examination (the second) by Counselor Trachtenberg in his cramped, boring, messy little office of a recent Affidavit we filed.

We couldn't agree on anything even the handshake at the end of his interrogation.Remember you heard it here first - an internet controversy is about to erupt over it!
Finally, yesterday we met with the third Justice who has become involved in this litigation. We'll say more later but for now a "Fireside Judicial Chat" will take place late in January next year.
Sincerely/Clare L. Pieuk


Anonymous Anonymous said...

can't wait... O...

8:57 PM  

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