Monday, November 01, 2010


Good Day Readers:
Recently we were researching the Law Society of Manitoba's Discipline Case Digest and came upon a disbarment with a connection.
Back in mid-June 2005 it was recommended (can't remember by whom) we contact Winnipeg lawyer Donald J. Mackinnon. During March of that year, Murray Norman Trachtenberg, Manitoba Metis Federation President David Chartrand's personal taxpayer financed defamation lawyer, had filed a Statement of Claim against three individuals associated with this site's precursor Subsequently we had a lengthy telephone conversation with Mr. Mackinnon after which we provided him with a copy of Counselor Trachtenberg's Statement of Claim.;
In a 2-page letter (June 22, 2005) Mr. Mackinnon stated in part:

"In reviewing the statement of claim, I believe that it is serviously flawed. Not only are there issues with respect to its form and content, it may not properly disclose a reasonable cause of action particularly with respect to each and every one of the plaintiffs; however, your statement of defence is also seriously flawed, and in my respectful opinion many of the paragraphs which the plaintiffs seek to have struck will be ordered struck."

Not surprising giving before this lawsuit we'd never set foot inside a courtroom nor did we have any formal legal training whatsoever when we prepared the Statement of Defence.

Mr. Mackinnon then went on to suggest we contact Mr. Byron Williams, Director of the Public Interest Law Centre a Branch of Manitoba Legal Aid specializing in cases involving precedents but were subsequently turned down somwwhat surprising given this litigation contains more precedents than you can shake a stick at! So why the rejection?

Could it have possibly been because the individual who suggested the allegedly defamatory material, wrote it, sanctioned it's posting then neglected to advise us it might/could contain defamatory words was none other than a Legal Aid Manitoba Lawyer at the time? Lionel Chartrand publicly agreed to serve as CSS's General Legal Counsel during mid-September, 2003. As solicitors are fond of saying, we have black print (e-mail) which clearly prove this to be true. His allegedly defamatory posting was displayed on the site during late January of 2004.
Today Mr. L. Chartrand is a Crown Prosecutor in Wetaskiwin, Alberta.

We hope The Public Eye a practicing Canadian attorney and Blogmaster who has posted many Discipline Case Digests from Law Societies including Manitoba's will see this and post Mr. Mackinnon's.

As you read the DCD Report a few points are worth noting:

(1) Mr. Mackinnon has been barred from practicing law but has appealed the decision to the Manitoba Court of Appeal so the possibility exists the ruling could be overturned

(2) Notice Donald Mackinnon offered to resign rather than be disbarred

(3) Could some of the financial damage have been prevented or reduced had the client exercised more due diligence in overseeing Mr. Mackinnon's activities?

(4) It is our understanding, over and above paying their $1,653.75 in annual dues to the LSM for monopoly and misconduct protection, a floating fund also exists to which all lawyer must contribute to cover such contengencies. Whatever the financial losses resulting from Mr. Mackinnon's actions, or lack thereof, each member will be assessed a portion

(5) Note the size of fine levied

Sincerely/Clare L. Pieuk


The Mackinnon Case Discipline Digest can be viewed online in its entirety by visiting:


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