Ring! Ring! Ring! ... "Hello, Law Society it's Blackie calling I'm hiding out in Los Angeles that LAPD gumshoe Sergeant Joe Friday is looking for me!"
www.fillmoreriley.com; davidskwark@fillmoreriley.com
Perhaps TDSP should try emulating his fellow Bencher and "learned friend" Murray "The Friendly Scorpion" Trachtenberg's estimated $250 Manitoba Metis Federation taxpayer financed mega smile - you'd be laughing all the way to the public's bank too!
www.ptlaw.mb.ca; mtrachtenberg@ptlaw.mb.ca
Whenever we mention Blackie's name in a post about the LSM then Google image The Society it's interesting what the cat drags home - pictures of Boston Blackie, other Society luminaries, Dapper, as well as, Disciplinary Chairman Aikins MacCaulay & Thorvaldson's Ted Bock (www.aikins.com; teb@Aikins.com) for whom we've yet to develop a moniker but will. We'll attend the January 4, 2011 meeting if for no other reason than to hear Blackie's voice again and bring you live coverage.
BTW, like us ever wonder who Blackie's accuser(s) is/are?
On the subject of the power of the internet try Googling Murray Trachtenberg. Before you get to the Posner & Trachtenberg website you'll have about 8-hits followed by more after. They're mostly from this site and The Public Eye hosted by practicing Canadian lawyer Vic Populi.
Truth To Power (www.accesstoinfo.blogspot.com; vicpopuli1@gmail.com)Could Blackie possibly be linked to Truth To Power? Do you like conspiracy theory readers? Interesting to speculate isn't it?
Sincerely, Clare L. Pieuk
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