Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Knock, knock! "Who's there? Your Member of Parliament stupid that's who! Who's that?"

Good Day Readers:

With a federal election seemingly inevitable ever noticed how b-o-r-i-n-g Canadian political attack ads are compared to the Americans? One need look no farther than the November 2010 mid-terms in the United States.

Since taxpayers subsidize most if not all the cost why not make them funny people remember funny. Better yet, allow taxpayers to bid on producing them? At least you'd see ads appearing on television and the internet which made you laugh.

If any of the major political Parties pay CyberSmokeBlog we'll produce their campaign ads on YouTube to save money. While we cannot guarantee they'll get you elected at least taxpayers will get a good laugh for their money.

For our Member Shelly Glover (St. Boniface, Manitoba) and our favourite politician Pat "Callahan" Martin (Winnipeg Centre) we'll do yours for free.

Good idea/bad idea Readers?

Clare L. Pieuk


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