Sunday, April 03, 2011

A flaw in The Elections Canada Act!

Good Day Readers:

Given the telephone call the other day from no less than Senator Mike Duffy, combined with the Conservatives' unenviable track record with Elections Canada recently, we decided to call EC at their toll free number (1-800-463-6868). After explaining the situation we were advised what had happened is within the rules.

But here's the problem. There are 53 Conservative Senators, 46 Liberal plus a couple Independants but no NDPers in The Red Chamber. Therefore, in the St. Boniface Riding theoretically Shelly Glover could have 53 of her Upper Chamber friends voice message her constituents; challenger Raymond Simard 46 of his but any New Democratic Party candidate would have none.

The gentleman from Elections Canada agreed it was a weakness in The Act but noted nothing could be done until after the May 2nd vote at which time we could ask our Member of Parliament to raise the issue in the House of Commons. If successful can you imagine Shelly Glover introducing a Private Member's Bill to close a loophole that may have contributed to her re-election? Not in this lifetime!

When Ms Glover was first elected in the 2008 election she rented 4-213 St. Mary's Road (next to Winnipeg landmark The Red Top Restaurant) vacated by her predecessor and current Liberal Challenger. We asked Elections Canada another question it was unable to answer but promised to have one of their Finance Officers contact us tomorrow. What happens to her Constituency Office during the campaign. Is it closed or does it remain open for business? If the latter who pays any associated costs?

Clare L. Pieuk


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