Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Legalized highway robbery" at Winnipeg's Provincial Law Courts Building!

Good Day Readers:

Although not about parking meters watching the video below brings back memories of our many visits to the Law Courts to undertake research.

First off, to see a publicly available court file one need only produce a piece of photo identification, complete the simple application form, pay the princely sum of $5 (assuming you're not a party to the case) and voila! For the file registry clerk the process can be completed in 5-minutes or less assuming, of course, the dossier is on site and does not have to be retrieved from storage - an easy $60 an hour which is likely far less than they're being paid.

In our "open justice system" one is then free to photocopy any and all contents to their heart's content but that's where the "legalized highway robbery begins."

The cost per page is 25 cents and to make matters worse there is no change machine on the premises for the convenience of patrons to convert bills into quarters and loonies. Compare this to Shoppers Drug Marts where anyone can use their photocopiers for 10-cents a page. There's a provincial election in October join the protest to demand Manitoba Justice provide better photocopying services at the Law Courts!

Legalized highway robbery? You be the judge and jury.

Clare L. Pieuk



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