Still think he's got a hidden agenda?
Metro Canada In Ottawa
October 18, 2011
The student-run radio station at Ottawa's Algonquin College is trying to convince Prime Minister Stephen Harper for a second time to grow a moustache in support of next month's Movember campaign
The station might have to up the ante, though, after a government spokesperson said Harper's upper lip will stay bare this November.
"While the prime minister will not be growing a moustache this year,he does wish the organizers of this year's campaign every success in raising money and in increasing awareness of prostate cancer," read an email statement from Andrew MacDougall, the Prime Minister's Office Associate Director of Communications.
CKDJ 107.9 Program Manager Ryan Gibson is confident he'll gather the 10,000 signatures he is seeking to convince the Prime Minister otherwise.
"I'll keep pushing for him to grow one until the end," said Gibson who is also a radio broadcasting student. "He takes his role as a politician quite seriously, and I think, just for bringing attention to Movember, there's no other high profile person in the country than the Prime Minister."
The station tried the same campaign last year, but was unsuccessful. Money raised from the Canada-wide campaign will go to Prostate Cancer Canada.
Gibson's uncle's battle with rrostate cancer is one of his motivations for restarting the campaign.
Last November, a number of MPs grew moustaches to support of the Canadian campaign, including Liberal Justin Trudeau and New Democrat Peter Stoffer.
Gibson said peiople can sign his petition , which is available at
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