You be the judge and jury who's the "pompous dickhead?"
Good Day Readers:
Who do you think is the "pompous dickhead?"
Who do you think is the "pompous dickhead?"
Alleged "pompous dickhead" Dr. Stephen Gordon, Professor of Economics, Laval University?
Stephen Gordon received his BA in Economics and Political Science from the University of Toronto in 1984 and his MA in Economics from the University of Western Ontario in 1985. After spending a summer working at the Bank of Canada, he returned to the University of Toronto for his doctoral studies and received his PhD in 1990. Since 1992, he has taught economics at Laval University in Quebec City.
Gordon has worked on range of topics, such as fixed business investment, financial economics, social choice and statistical models of the business cycle. Articles based on this research have been published in some of the top peer-reviewed journals in economics, including the American Economic Review, the Review of Economics and Statistics, the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics and the Canadian Journal of Economics.
In 2005, he started the economics blog "Worthwhile Canadian Initiative", which has since evolved into a collaborative effort with three other Canadian economics professors as regular contributors.
The accuser? |
On November 17, 2011 Pat Martin was criticised for using profane language on his Twitter account to express his anger over the Conservative government's continuing use of closure in limiting the debate in the House of Commons, this time on the budget debate. He also used profane language to criticize those on Twitter who had attacked his original tweet.
Both he and the New Democratic Party are being sued for $5 million (plus punitive damages to be determined by the Court) by RackNine Incorporated over comments he made recently on Question Period.CTV's national affiairs program regarding the emerging robocall scandal. He may face a second defamation suit from Campaign Research again over the same allegations made on Question Period. Last week Mr. Martin published an apology letter to Campaign research on his constituency website.
Clare L. Pieuk
Friday, March 16, 2012
So ... maybe someone is up to mischief with the NDP MP's Twitter account. Or maybe that someone is the NDP MP. Here's what Pat Martin's Twitter stream shows on this Friday night:
“Globalization was a wet dream of big capital. Twenty years later it has been a destructive nightmare for working people. #Freetradesucks
“Someday the NDP will realise that know-nothing populism is incompatible with social democracy. Yes, I'm talking to you, @PatMartinMP
“@PatMartinMP it's Friday night... Get a beer for god sakes man - watch some sports ... You're going to give yourself a heart attack!
“@stephenfgordon the good news is I wrote 'F**k You Stephen Gordon' then erased it. But I reserve the right to call you a pompous dickhead.
“@PatMartinMP I keep hoping NDP will stop viewing economists as enemies. Maybe the next generation. OTOH, that's what I said a generation ago.
“@PatMartinMP When I saw the language in your tweet to @stephenfgordon I first thought it must be a parody account. Shocking from an MP!
“I expect a higher level of decorum from my MP's than @PatMartinMP seems to be able to present. Not from #NDP, but from MP's I would vote 4. -
“@PatMartinMP @stephenfgordon Wow! Calling someone a "pompous dickhead" is not appropriate for an elected official! Layton would cringe!
“When clueless slanderer @PatMartin MP attacks respected economist @stephenfgordon, it's analogous to a fire hydrant attacking a dog.
“Ladies & gentlemen, @PatMartinMP. A role model for young Cdns; demonstrating class, respect & a higher level of political discourse #cdnpoli.
“@PatMartinMP @stephenfgordon Alright boys, settle down. Let not make a spectacle. -
“Oh look, I'm famous. RT @natnewswatch: @PatMartinMP drops F-bomb, erases it, then tweets #cdnpoli #ndp.
“Although I don't always agree with the views, my new political crush is @PatMartinMP. I admire the passion! My old crush was Al Gore. ;).Reply
15. Share“Okay, you know what? I'm done waggling fingers at MPs - or anyone else - for using salty language on twitter.
16. Share
"As far as I'm concerned, it never was, and will henceforth never be acknowledged as newsworthy
kady o'malley
a day ago
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