Monday, February 03, 2014

"What's the matter Bunky winter got you down? Or maybe it's the Harper government's unlawful spying on you by its RCMP, Communications Security Establishment of Canada and Canadian Security Intelligence Service? Relax, have we got a solution for you!"

Fingerprint Gel
The Japanese government counter-terrorism practice of fingerprinting foreigners who enter the country may have inspired Doctor Tsutomu Matsumoto to invent "fingerprinting gels", a way of faking fingerprints for scanners.

Learn how to make your own here.

White Noise Generator
Worried someone around you is secretly recording everything you do? No fear! There's a relatively low-tech way to defeat such snoops, via white-noise-producing audio jammers. These tiny devices use good ol' white noise to blur the sound picked up by hidden microphones and other.

MIT's Technology Review calls it the newest, hottest Thanksgiving accessory -- but you can use phone-size "Faraday cages" like this (sold by uncommongoods) to block your cellphone's call signal, WiFi and GPS. Handy now that federal courts are ruling that cops can track suspects via 
cellphone sans warrant, and Apple can remotely disable your phone camera with a click. As security researcher Jacob Appelbaum said in an interview with N+1 back in April, "Cell phones are tracking devices that make phone calls." So shouldn't you be prepared for when you don't want to be tracked?

LED-Lined Hat
Hidden cameras got you down? Blind them all with a simple baseball cap lined with infrared LEDs. Amie, a hacker on WonderHowTo, shows the world how to make one, while this German art exhibition lays out how these ingenious devices work.

Bug Detector
These receivers reveal the telltale electronic crackle of hidden mics and cameras. Strangely enough, they were around long before "surveillance culture" became a common phrase. Today they're sold in all sorts of shops for surveillance paranoids.

Camera Map
 Sometimes hiding your face isn't enough; sometimes you don't want to be seen at all. For those days, there's camera maps. The NYC Surveillance Camera Project is currently working to document the location of and working status of every security camera in New York City. This project has been replicated by others in Boston, Chicago and Bloomington, Indiana. has even published a guide to making your own surveillance camera maps (here).

Dazzle Camouflage
Credit to artist Adam Harvey for this one. Inspired by the "dazzle camouflage" used on submarines and warships during World War I, he designed a series of face paint principles meant to fool the facial recognition schemas of security cameras. Check out The Perilous Glamour of Life Under Surveillance for some tips on designing your own camera-fooling face paint.

Throwaway Cellphone
Walmart may be the premier symbol of corporate America, but its disposable cellphone selection can help you start a thoroughly maverick lifestyle. $10 TracFones work on most major networks, including AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint and Verizon, and come with minutes prepaid so you can dispose of the devices when you're done.

Source: CSEC Wi-Fi snooping experiment prompts calls for review - Huffington Post, Sunday, February 2, 2014.


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