Monday, January 19, 2015

Norman Sabourin brings "Disneyland Over the Rideau" to the Canadian Judicial Council!

Good Day Readers:

When you read the Ottawa Citizen article (Around town: Earnscliffe opens its doors to fete Sir John A) it looked and sounded like one big halloween party for adults. Given Sir John A's love of imbibing, hopefully, guests were plyed with plenty of drinks. The Rideau Club connection helps explain the derivation of the Canadian Judicial Council's current business model that's woefully out of touch with reality. Perhaps Mr. Sabourin should get a group membership rate for all members of the CJC.

Clare L. Pieuk

Sarah Jennings with Norman Sabourin, Board President of the Rideau Club, at a reception held at Earnscliffe on Saturday, January 10, 2015. (Caroline Phillips/Ottawa Citizen)
Gill Drake and her husband, British High Commissioner Howard Drake, were presented gifts from Rideau Club Board President Norman Sabourin. (Caroline Phillips/Ottawa Citizen)


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