Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A special note to Canada's Auditor General!

Red Alert at Rideau Hall! Red Alert at Rideau Hall!

Dear Mr. Ferguson:

Could you please find enough auditors from their fun and games in and around Ottawa to drop an audit team on Canada's Governor General. It seems he may be burning through taxpayers' money like an army of drunken sailors. Wouldn't a nice card of condolence, telephone call or taped video have been much more cost effective?

Besides, with all due respect how many Canadians had ever heard of this King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz?

Clare L. Pieuk
David Johnston's flight to pay respects to Saudi king cost $175K

40-hour Challenger flight included side trip to Vancouver on way home

By Kathleen Harris
Monday, May 25, 2015

Governor General arrives in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in January to offer condolences on behalf of Canada following the death of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz. (Rideal Hall)

To be continued ..... off to try to meet with author Philip Slayton.


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